Saturday, April 14, 2007

OC Tourism Awards

So Tom was nominated for a Service Excellence Award by the Board of OC Tourism. There was a big too-doo at the Hilton and and Paris, Tom's Mom Ida and I thought we'd go check it out... It was a great time except poor little Paris ended up in the emergency room for hours because of the hidden nuts in the dessert!! We both wish that we had taken pictures of that, because, you know it IS a part of life - good or bad - but at the time I was taking her I really was only concentrating on the fact that I wanted her to keep breathing... kind of an important thing in my opinion...

(just before the dreaded nuts kicked in..)

1 comment:

tam said...

Congratulations Tom, you look handsome all decked out. The picture of Brooke's eyes & Paris is about A M A Z I N G !!! beautiful lades....lucky man!