Thursday, July 31, 2008

The California Trolley!

How fun is this Trolley??

It is part of our fleet of vehicles now that we charter. I think it's perrrty.... :o) It's getting a new engine though, right now, poor thing! It'll be ready by early August tho.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Uncle Jerry's Birthday :-)

2 great Uncles... Ron & Jerry. *smooch*

Part 1- Cole & Dylan, he needed his shoes tied and so Cole came to the rescue.

Part 2: While he was tying it, Joey was checking it all out...

Part 3: Then Joey sits down and unties his shoes, asking Cole to tie them for him... it was really cute.

Uncle Ron & Jon playing "Super Monkey Ball" on my iPhone :-)

My cousin Kyle & his wife Candy. They just started going to Calvary! I'm SO excited... if you see them, be sure to say Hi! Also, he & my Uncle Jerry are the owners of "The King of Ding" J & K Appliances - if you need appliances, go there! And listen for their ad on The Fish; very funny.

Uncle Jerry & his daughter, Ashley & my girl Paris (on the right)

Cousins Ashley & Paris

Oddly coincidentally, my Aunt Darla & her husband Shawn are best friends with Steve & Melanie Duggins and so they came with their cutie-patootey daughter, Danielle!

I love this one... Matt & Melody Duggins were just sitting there on Uncle Jerry's patio, overlooking Orange & Chapman Ave, the lights were so pretty, it was such a nice night and they were just sitting there chatting & laughing. It's nice to see my boys growing up enough to enjoy themselves with other people, you know?

I actually really like this...

very well done, funny, clever. there's a part in Act Two that I really would prefer the kids didn't see but other than that I found everything to be really FUN. Neil Patrick Harris is VERY good in this. You can download it on iTunes.

Dr. Horrible - web site

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


found this on my friend, Susie's blog... (click HERE)
i laughed SO hard. love it...

Monday, July 21, 2008

I Love Summer Because....

SOME of the reasons I LOVE summer...

time at the beach... here's matt & cole testing out the waters. it was a perfect day in laguna (diver's cove). we did some snorkeling (schools of fish and sand sharks!), boogie boarding and putting our toes in the sand... my fav.

having time together... jon & cole licking the cake-batter spoons :o)

date nights with tom! here we were at the Kodak Theatre seeing Ricky Gervais... he was pretty funny. then we went to dinner, see below:

so we found this place at the Hollywood & Highland Mall called "U-Wink"- it was REALLY cool! every seat has a touch-screen and you can play games alone or with the whole restaurant- here above was our score... we were pretty happy with that score! :o)

having time to visit the library... here's cole at the katie wheeler library, chillin... :o) he's just too-cool-for-school...

time for football practice to begin... here's cole at the Mater Dei Football Camp; you can't tell but he just tackled the wild dummy bag to the ground! you show 'em, cole!!

summer is time for paris' birthday!! my girl is 21... *sigh* we went to lunch at maggiano's, her fav, had champagne and steak (mmmm) and then went makeup shopping at sephora! nice...

hanging out with friends!! here's our beautiful & funny friend vienne & jon cracking each other up... it was at their fourth of july party at their house. i DO SO love hanging out with friends... i miss that in the 'busy-ness' of the year...

... kids are more fun in the summer... it's just a proven fact! here's caleb and the boys, trying to kill cole, as usual, and then it looks like the girls just can't quite understand WHY boys act like that... :o) (I don't blame you girls)

fun summer camps.... the boys started the Concordia Basketball Camp today- it is really well done.

but that's just me... what's YOUR favorite thing about summer???

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Farewell Tour!!

Oh man...
July 22nd at the Pacific Amp... The Stray Cats Farewell Tour - the ONLY date they will play in the whole of AMERICA!
Can you believe it. At least we can still see Brian & his Orchestra but still... it's the end of an age. They were IT. I just found this picture on their blog- it hadn't ever been published I guess- I thought it was kind of fun.

Some of my favorite pictures... (for now!)

love these, thought i'd share... ;o)
above is one of my FAVORITE actresses ever... Carole Lombard
she was funny and talented and just so great...

Louise Brooks, of course :o)

don't you LOVE this one of Myrna Loy?? Can you believe she could look so glamorous and cool?? She always kind of looks like a "harried housewife", you know?? A little irritated and in a rush... not HERE, that's for sure!

Sarah Bernhardt... what was it like to see her on the stage, hmmm? As good as the hype, do you suppose?? I'll bet.

Bing Crosby & Al Jolsen - wOw... I would have LOVED to have been there, seeing them together!

A very young Buster Keaton

a little older now... ;o) (every detail is so perfect- the sloped shoulders, the floppy bow, the puckered green vest... just great)

General Custer!! What a striking figure and yet seems like a scrappy red-headed, freckle face kid, all at the same time. I'll bet it was like standing next to a stick of lit dynamite when you talked to him. This picture was found at a very cool web site,

I've got lots more but that's it for now... just wanted to stroll down Nostalgia Lane for a bit; thanks for coming along!! :oD

Thursday, July 10, 2008

New York, Philly and life lately...

On the road to Tom's cousin Jimmy's house

enjoying the sunset at Jimmy's house :o)

Tommy, Tom, Matt & Jimmy - what a fun bunch of guys!

Cole, returning from camp! We got home from New York about an hour before they arrived on their bus... whew... that was close.

5th & 6th grade Pool Party! What a blast- here's Tom going down the slide with Jon. PLUG that nose, Jon!!! :oD

The gorgeous spire atop Independance Hall :o) I'm SO glad we rented a car and drove there... it's a beautiful and thought-provoking place to visit. You really need to see it.

The beautiful Quacker Bank down the street from Independance Hall.

Matt at the New York Stock Exchange... Tom's cousin tried to get him on the floor but it fell through, rats!!

The street where my man was born... who'd have thought he was just a country-boy?? (Peekskill, NY)
loved the trip- wish i had more time to talk about it - gotta go!!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

How did He do this???

YouTube - Amazing Camoflage
If you ever think that you BEGIN to comprehend how incredible our God really is, look at this... He MADE this creature...
I can't WAIT to study this type of octupus, and those that were in that Planet Earth series that glow in the dark. That will be a BLAST!! :oD