Tuesday, October 16, 2007

"`If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."
Mark 9:23

In my Bible study this morning I came across this verse- we know the story... we know that when Jesus responded to this father in regard to his demon-possessed son, that He was speaking about more than just healing the man's child... that He was speaking to all of His children.
But am I living my life like I believe it? Are you?

Jesus longs to do great things through us - In fact, he promised he would do even greater things through us than he did himself because he is now at the Father's side helping us! (like it mentions in John 14: 12-14)
WHY am I not living like I believe it???

Saturday I was SO blue... SO down; feeling like a failure in every sense of the word and truly having a ridiculous pity party but it felt real of course. Then, when I finally call out to God to PLEASE help me, my dear friend Judi Singer calls me... she was right there with prayer and comfort and a listening ear.
What an AWESOME GOD we have, huh?? How many things has He put in place for us, his children, so that we are taken care of?
Do we really realize what He can do? Or what He has done for us so that our worship to Him is a sweet fragrance and not the stench that it would be without Him???

So I think it's time I quit talking about what I can't do, and start believing in the One who can do great things. Paul said it best when he said: God can do "more than we can ask or imagine by his power at work in us." (Ephesians 3:20-21)

What scripture has convicted you lately?? :o)


Kim Tostada said...

hey Brooke,
I was reading in James chapter 2 today about taming the tongue.. sometimes I take pride in myself when I can really tell people what's on my mind.. but sometimes it's not such a good thing and I need to ask for God's help in that area to be discerning when to speak up and when to shut up.

Brooke said...

Don't you love the book of James?? So incredibly to the point!
Kim, my struggle keeps being healthy eating habits, I keep trying and failing and then that just starts this spiral... I need this scripture not just daily, but hour by hour!