Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Las Chicas MOOEY Locas de La Quinto-Part Deaux

Ok, so I just had to finish up with the posting of the pictures... what crazy, beautiful women... what a great chance to get away and just - BE - , you know?

Loveable Linda... photographic evidence that you danced on the couch!! :o) Go Go!!
Sweet Joanie...

our beautiful, beautiful friend Sherry...

Linda & I snuggling up at dinner... :o)


tam said...

This is more like it!! I would love copies of all your pictures ....from our weekend away. Let's do it again.

Anonymous said...

what's linda doing in that second picture... let me guess, re-enacting the scene in What About Bob when Richard Dreyfuss cokes on the chicken bone? Am I close?

Victor Estrada said...

I love getting the inside scoop into what happens at these things. If you have any more good pictures of Tammy, I'd love to use them for some bribery.