DAISY!!! Can you believe what a cutie she is?? Our new little puppy. (One year old) We got her from the pound. She is a little wire terrier...
she's kind and sweet and happy... and she's piddling all over the place. yuck.
Linda, can I borrow that book we were talking about?? pleeeaaaasseee.... the carpet cleaners come Saturday; she can't piddle anywhere after that!!

We made up a corny song about her... ask me to sing it for you the next time I see you. :o)
life is moving at the most incredible pace right now... it's only when i stop - take a breath and just lay my worries and burdens at His feet, that I can get through all of this "stuff"... thanks for the kind words, Judi... I appreciate you reminding me about that.
My life can truly only be properly powered by God; on my own strength I am nothing. AMEN to THAT!!
whoa, congrats on the pup. I wish we could have one but if we got one Kim would disown me.... for now anyway. Maybe when the kids get older.
She's ooober cute! Hope she's feeling better! Love Boo
Ahhh. She's so cute and aptly named...daisy. I can't wait to hear the song you made up about her.
You're last blog really does reflect your blog name..life powered by God...Thanks for the reminder to stop and sit at His feet when life is CRAZY. I needed that reminder today.
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