Yeah! Jaslene won America's Next Top Model! She so cute and funny - I'm glad she won. The Russian girl was "interesting"... I didn't quite understand some of the things she did sometimes...
Also, can you believe???? Blake and Jordan??? wow... I was hoping for Blake in the finale!! I love Melinda and I thought it would be such a fun show with the two of them, but this should be good too. He's just so original and talented and fun to watch.

yes, it was a t.v. night after Wednesday night church... ;o) we are doing the Crown ministries class, I think I told you. It's really good.
But the BEST news of all is that we will be getting a NEW PUPPY THURSDAY!!!!! YEAH!!!
Daisy.... little Daisy-Doo, Dippity-Doo, whatever you want to call her, I'm just so excited we're getting her!! I took a great picture, I just don't have the cord to download the photo to my computer, can you believe it?? Tom has it somewhere... I'm dying here... I want her home so bad.... we've got a dog dish sitting there in the kitchen waiting for her... she's a little one year old wire terrier. Can't wait to post pictures here! HAPPY HAPPY DAY>>>>>> :o)
I can't believe Melinda's gone! I thought she'd win the entire thing. I think she thought so too. She looked surprised when they called her name. What a night.
I couldn't believe everyone was saying Rene looked "old" on ANTM! What?! If she looked old I look like Moses just before his passing. And Dion was too fat?! She ate a half a cracker too much and they noticed it in her clothing?! Way to make the general public feel fat and ugly. Why do we listen to society anyway. Their view is so narrow. I can't wait until the next top model is a couple of pounds overweight and has one or two wrinkles.
yeah, Rene' looked old... tell me about it!! eek. not one wrinkle and she was SO good at everything! everything she did was so well thought out, etc. I was floored.
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