Ok, I'm a Pirates of the Caribbean fan... I'm a big Disney fan... I'm a Johnny Depp fan, even a what's-his-name-who-plays-the-other-boy-in-the-movie fan - but I've got to tell you... I was sitting there in the movie the other day going, "huh???"
Huge head-shaking. Couldn't understand so many of the edits. At all.
Was it just me? Is it because I'm nearing my mid-fourties? (although let's not push it, I'm only 42...) Is that what happens? You can't hear anything although you start mumbling about 'that new music' being too loud and suddenly you can't get basic plot lines?

dude... sup with that? (see, i'm trying to sound young... i hope you noticed that)
We went with our friends, the Luecks, and Kathy was falling askleep through the whole thing - could stand it as much as I could... but meanwhile my 19 year old daughter thought it was the best pirates yet... so i ask you: is it just me or was it confusing to you too??? :op