love these, thought i'd share... ;o)
above is one of my FAVORITE actresses ever... Carole Lombard
she was funny and talented and just so great...

Louise Brooks, of course :o)

don't you LOVE this one of Myrna Loy?? Can you believe she could look so glamorous and cool?? She always kind of looks like a "harried housewife", you know?? A little irritated and in a rush... not HERE, that's for sure!

Sarah Bernhardt... what was it like to see her on the stage, hmmm? As good as the hype, do you suppose?? I'll bet.

Bing Crosby & Al Jolsen - wOw... I would have LOVED to have been there, seeing them together!

A very young Buster Keaton

a little older now... ;o) (every detail is so perfect- the sloped shoulders, the floppy bow, the puckered green vest... just great)

General Custer!! What a striking figure and yet seems like a scrappy red-headed, freckle face kid, all at the same time. I'll bet it was like standing next to a stick of lit dynamite when you talked to him. This picture was found at a very cool web site, Shorpy.com.
I've got lots more but that's it for now... just wanted to stroll down Nostalgia Lane for a bit; thanks for coming along!! :oD
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