On the road to Tom's cousin Jimmy's house
enjoying the sunset at Jimmy's house :o)
Tommy, Tom, Matt & Jimmy - what a fun bunch of guys!
Cole, returning from camp! We got home from New York about an hour before they arrived on their bus... whew... that was close.
5th & 6th grade Pool Party! What a blast- here's Tom going down the slide with Jon. PLUG that nose, Jon!!! :oD
The gorgeous spire atop Independance Hall :o) I'm SO glad we rented a car and drove there... it's a beautiful and thought-provoking place to visit. You really need to see it.
The beautiful Quacker Bank down the street from Independance Hall.
Matt at the New York Stock Exchange... Tom's cousin tried to get him on the floor but it fell through, rats!!
The street where my man was born... who'd have thought he was just a country-boy?? (Peekskill, NY)
loved the trip- wish i had more time to talk about it - gotta go!!!
very nice pictur.We provide luxury transportation in the tri state area.
well, at least SOMEONE commented!! :oD
how fun to see these pics!! i desired to post something even before i saw your comment left. what are you up to tomorrow?? (tues) hugs--jude
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