Tuesday, October 23, 2007

are we in the clear?

the fires came SO close to our house... literally less than 2 blocks away.

God sure did have us in the palm of His hand because we did not hear until it had past that we were in a mandatory evac zone. THAT's kind of frustrating.

Thank you Lord for taking such good care of us!

Are we done now?
We aren't unpacking the car yet, I'll tell you that. :oD


Kim Tostada said...

hey Brooke,
That's soo crazy to me to live in uncertainty if your going to have a house or not. We are for sure keeping you and your family in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Hey Brookie, So glad that you are all ok. My sister Deb in Ramona lost one rental house, thank goodness that her home that she resides in is ok but came close.
tried to call you but left message so call when get a chance.
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Well...it's Saturday. 5 days after the fire started and it's still so smokey we're choking. When will it end? At least it's in the distance now huh?
Unless you've gotten so accustomed to living out of your car
I do think you're in the clear and could probably unpack your car now sis. =)
