The "Magi" cast in rehearsals... from left: Angela, Tom, Duke, Mike & Kerri

"Soapy" the lovable bum... (Jim)

Soapy getting kicked out for free-loading

An incredibly animated Duke... I'm glad I caught this on camera!

Paris on Hollywood Blvd, after seeing our movie at the ElCapitan

The organist, playing before the movie. I just can't tell you how much I love that theatre! The architecture is SO incredible...

Having a chocolate malt at the soda fountain next door to the theatre.

BroomBall with the 5 & 6th Grade group (Calvary). The kids had a blast- it was "SuperHero" themed; Kelcey came with us- she won for Best Girl's Costume! She was Bat Girl, Matt was Bat Man, Jon was a surgeon, because those are the best super heroes of all... ;o)

Chris Gniffke... Ninja Turtle Dude.
1 comment:
I still feel soooooo bad about mixing up the days! You're such a trooper pal'a'roo! Thanks again for going with me!
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