Thursday, April 05, 2007

thursday morning...

the 4th day of spring break.

i just keep chanting to myself "there's a special place in heaven for the mother of 3 boys...." over & over & over.....
and then matt makes a cute face like this and i melt.
whatever... they'll get sick of pounding on each other at some point in time... they're laughing the whole time anyway- how bad can it hurt?? boys.... a whole other species....


tam said...

special place in heaven for mom of ANY boys....see ya there!

Anonymous said...

At least you won't have to pay for any weddings! And hello, 4 kids, can anyone say "early retirement!"

paszky said...

Wow, wow, WOW! What a great recap of an incredible weekend! You were pretty kind to me in the picture department. Thank you my friend. The monkey face was scary, but what can you do with that?! Missed to for TWO bible studies! Where are you? What are you up to? How are you doing with your list from the desert? Love you monkey face!