here's that picture of tom & i portraying "the couple who owned the donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem" on Palm Sunday at our church... pretty fun. the kids all came around during their sunday school classes and we talked to them. it was the donkey's first time being out on a "job" - wow, that was risky, huh? all of those kids coming around him... it was an interesting test.
that was a fun day as it was April Fool's Day, so on our "break" between services i went out to the car where tom had his golf clubs all ready to go golfing after church... i slid his clubs out and taped the handles together in groups of 3 & 4 (!) and then slid them back in :o) then i stuffed a ton of tissue paper into the toes of his golf shoes... his golf buddies got a kick out of it even if HE didn't!
any more great ideas to 'get him'?? i love playing good pranks. ;o)
here's jon & matt running around during the Easter Egg Hunt...

i can't tell you how many times i walk around a corner and find one of my boys dressed something like this:

the kids with william and sabrina seeing Meet The Robinsons (yes, again!) at Downtown Disney, my favorite :o)

f.y.i. i changed the posting option so you can post a comment now, even if you don't have a blogger account - sorry about that before! i hadn't noticed that it was a 'changeable' option.
so happy! i get the great privledge of singing in first service tomorrow (i do about twice a month now :o) anyway, we're singing "He is Exalted", "Rejoice The Lord Is King", "How Great Is Our God" and a whole bunch more! fun fun... can't wait
1 comment:
Brooke - I didn't know that you were a fellow blogger. Thanks for the comment. I just checked my blog real quick in the middle of the day but I will spend some more time later perusing your blog.
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