L-R (in the back) it's Cole, of course, trying to get in the picture... he did that it almost every picture that was taken that night! Then there's Eric (he played a good Ryan Seacrest!), then me, then our wonderful Jon (who said that night "there's really nothing better in the whole world than being on stage, is there Mom??" :o) then above, Jake Bergstrom, Chantelle Gibbs, Isaiah (the little blond kid in the front) then Michael Fontonesi, and Gabby Veneracion.
So, as most of you know, we participated in this new idea at Calvary... the Comedy Show.
What you may or may not know too, was that it was VERY hard for us to be in this show.
We didn't think it was funny.
There... I said it.
It's very hard to be a performer in a show and not think it's funny...
1. if you act as embarrassed as you feel, you look foolish and the show is no good
2. if you act as funny as you can, "selling" your performance for all it's worth, you end up looking like you think it's funny and then potentially you look foolish for thinking it's funny...
do you see my quandry here?? :oD
Tom & I both were going nuts... we had committed though, so what do you do?? It was an experience; it's all good. God places you in situations for a reason, and we definately prayed about that show BIG-time prior to joining the cast.
I hope the Lord was honoured there that night and that some came to Calvary who might not have otherwise, that's the whole point, isn't it?

You can't really tell here but this is when Tom is coughing up/spitting the water all over the "priceless antique painting by Thomas Jefferson" that ends up getting smeared and ugly afte he wipes the water all around and says "Did I mention it's a water color??" That was actually pretty funny...

Tony Nitz, doing his "Bunion" face. He was a BLAST...
1 comment:
Hey, our church is called Calvary too, so I was looking at the pictures really close to see if I recognized anyone or anything. I didn't. I guess there are a few churches called, "Calvary" around the country, huh? ;-)
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