Sunday, August 03, 2008

for a laugh :o)

poor guy... that's pretty disgusting, actually.

that's too painful to even think about.

and you've probably heard abou these... PERFECT VICTOR FLIPS, DON'T YOU THINK??


Anonymous said...

hmmm... I am seeing a side of you I never knew existed. The slide picture is just disturbing. I mean I know it's doctored and all but what kind of sicko even thought of that? Please tell me it wasn't you!
The bird is gross and right out of a nightmare for me. Barefoot in the grass - I prefer that method to actually being barefoot in grass - I mean you never know what else is in that grass with your toes. I guess now you have seen more of my uptight OCD side.

Brooke said...

1414yeah... there is THAT side of me... :o)
It was being a Disney character that did it- i perpetually think like an 8 year old kid (which is what they tell you to do) so that's kind of where I come from on some of those things, and NOOOO, I did NOT make the slide picture. People keep telling me lately that I'm pretty OCD in alot of things, but walking on grass doesn't "get me". Unwashed hands- NOW THAT SENDS ME IN TO A TAIL SPIN!!! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! (insert picture of me running wildly and flailing my arms in the air)

Anonymous said...

The next picture you post better be one of you blowing out your candles. Happy Birthday Buddy.



PS We're the same age now. Ha ha

Anonymous said...

I was just catching up on all the old posts that I missed in the past month and found my name in yours. Haha, it's been a busy time. anyway, I totally think those sandals would be sweet as long as they felt as good as they look.

Brooke said...

Well, the weird thing is that they're ACTUAL GRASS. Like, you can water them and they last and stuff- but EVEN WEIRDER I GUESS is that they have "Krispy Kreme" on the strap!! What's up with THAT???