They take me back, body and soul, to another time... i just yearn to talk to them - to find out what it was like to live in that world... that totally different world...
it's amazing... they were SO beautiful... buildings were beautiful, cars were beautiful.

"Public office is the last refuge of a scoundrel." That was said by this gentleman above, Senator Boies Penrose, a Republican from Pennsylvania. I love that quote... ;o)

This is the state funeral of Maurice Berteaux, French Minister of War, born 1852, died 1911.
I don't know what it is, i just think these images are amazing- it's like listening to a recording of Al Jolson singing, or an old recording of Roosevelt's fireside chats... it takes this moment in time and freezes it there; if you close your eyes you're there, in that time. it's cool.
My grandpa might have shopped in this store when he was a young man... it's in Lincoln Nebraska, taken in the 40's. Can you believe the color?? Just gorgeous.

The Library of Congress started posting some of their public-domain images on Flikr. It's fantastic...
Yeah completely!
i love seeing old photos.... it lifts me. and thanks, i needed a lift today!
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