Saturday, June 16, 2007


So, I don't know if you've heard, but Trent Lott said the other day:
'Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem'

WHAT??? And this is from a Republican Senator.
This is talk radio, who defended him when he made some stupid comments back in 2002.
Who defends the right to actually have more than one view point in America. (Since all that is spouted from the majority in government as well as the media is liberal nonsense)

And here's this guy, saying this.
One million illegal immigrants marching and protesting are called 'activists'.
One million minorities marching and protesting are called 'activists'.
But 10 million talk-show listeners calling and e-mailing their elected representatives are called 'a problem that needs to be dealt with'.

Where are our brave republican leaders????
Why aren't they screaming about this? Why aren't they yelling about FREE SPEECH? Why aren't they yelling about our current legislation not being enforced? We have great laws on the books; why spin your wheels trying to pass new legislation when there are already measures in place that could deal with the current crisis??

Why would ANYONE believe that you will implement this new legislation when you have ignored the old?

I KNOW the political game has to be played but this is getting beyond the point of no return.
It's a certainty that Republicans cannot win the Presidency in '08 but what about all of the seats?
The RNC and the Republican Party of Orange County, a Board on which I served for many years, is SILENT.

What about our freedom of speech? Especially as legal citizens. Is it wrong for us to voice our disapproval of what is going on?

We have lost the courage of our convictions, not only as a party, but as a nation. The convictions upon which this great nation was founded. We no longer have the back bone to fight for what is right. But, actually, I don't want to say "we".
I want SO badly to stand up and scream. I want to yell until someone hears me.

But that doesn't win elections. So, I'm at a loss. I've wanted, since I was a little girl, to be a public servant of some sort. I fall short though, in so many ways. I'm so imperfect and not nearly as quick witted as many.

I just have to keep giving this one to God. I just love this country SO much it makes my heart hurt.
This is a tough one for me... what are your opinions on what the Senator said?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I whole-heartedly agree!