This picture is THEM.Matt is in the middle. He is The Guy; the one that everyone relys on. The non-emotional stable guy that will do ANYTHING FOR A BROTHER. Getting a punishment? Matt will offer to take it for you so that you don't have to lose out. Need someone to go upstairs with you so that you're not alone and scared? Matt will do it. I do not allow him to take other's punishments but he is always pleading on his brothers behalf... Amazing.
Jon is kind of laughing and leaning on Matt. That's Jon. Almost always laughing and being silly (too much of that!) and needing to be close.
Cole, acting as The Goof Off BUT, notice his body language with Matt- He really loves and respects him.
They're so beautiful... I might be a tad bit biased though...
Our Christmas picture this year. It's shows each one's personality SO exactly!
they're growing.
they're changing... sometimes in ways I did NOT foresee.
Cracking me up lately:
1. they want me to tell them jokes before bed. I had this idea one night to get some great kid jokes off the web and print them out and tell them at bed time- they FLIPPED. such a boy thing to do. They still want me to sing, though... which is nice. :o)
2. Cole came up with this great idea tonight!! He said they'd get themselves up and get ready and everything and I wouldn't have to say a word about it (for instance, my usual: "come on now, it's time to go" or "better hustle or you'll be late") NOTHING. I'm in shock. I told them I would be the happiest Mom alive!! We're trying it tomorrow... (praying........ please work, please work!)
3. The way they talk to each other and other guys... hilarious. (since they don't read this blog I can say this!) but their voice goes down like, 2 octaves... "see ya later, dude"... that kind of thing; it's all low and 'guy-like', SO cute. They're little men. Well, actually kind of like medium sized men.
4. Their social calendar... friend's houses and stuff, all the time.
Looking at the Christmas Catalogs this past season... they always lay all over each other- they're very comfortable that way - but it inevitably ends up in a wrestling match, of course
5. When the 3 of them get together- how they love to chat! They have so many stories to tell each other and they laugh their heads off.... I love that they enjoy each other's company so much. They have their terror moments but most of the time, they really like being together.
(Cole, at Beach Pit BBQ... reading)